
Aldershot Tennis Club WINTER Leagues

Tuesday Ladies Doubles Round Robin: 2 sessions:

10:30 pm – 12:00 am and 12:00 – 1:30 pm

3 Rotations; each rotation lasts 25 minutes.  Winners remain on Court 1 and split; winners on Courts 2,3 and 4 move up a court and split. Non-winners on Courts 1, 2 and 3 move down a court and split. Non-winners on Court 4 stay and split. 
Schedule: The program will be scheduled over periods of 6 weeks. Members will be asked to provide their preferred dates and times to the Scheduler who will make every attempt to meet these requests while balancing the program for all. One person will set the timer for each 25-minute rotation. As soon as the timer goes off, play stops – even if the game is in progress. If the score is tied, spin the racquet to decide who moves up and who moves down.

Wednesday Afternoon Men’s Doubles Round Robin2 sessions: 

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm and 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Enjoy a Wednesday afternoon playing doubles with a variety of partners at different levels. Very flexible schedule. After 30 minutes, players rotate and switch, providing the opportunity to meet other members and enjoy fun, competitive tennis.  Convener creates schedule.

Wednesday Evening Ladies League: 2 sessions:

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm and 8:30 – 10:00 pm

Provides competitive doubles for players at an equal level. Operating as a “ladder” system with the players moving every six weeks. Allows the opportunity to play with a variety of partners against different opponents.  Convener creates schedule and tallies scores.

Thursday Ladies Day League: 2 sessions:

10:30 pm – 12:00 am and 12:00 – 1:30 pm

This program will allow players to improve their game through competition. Players will compete within their box in a 3 (three)-week period at the end of which the highest scoring player will move up while the lowest scoring player will move down. Initial placement will be made in consultation with the professional staff.  League Convener will schedule the rotation based upon scores and players are asked to be flexible within the 2 timeframes of play

Friday Evening Mixed Doubles Drop-in Round Robin:

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Drop-in round robin of fun mixed doubles tennis for all levels of play.  Players are randomly paired together and rotated every 20 minutes or so. If more than 16 players attend, courts will have 5 players and the server rests for one game and rotates in the next game and so on.

Saturday Men’s Doubles League: 3 sessions:

8:30 am – 10:00 am; 10:00 am- 11:30 am and 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

This league is a competitive Doubles Ladder consisting of 6 players in each group with each player scheduled to play four doubles matches over six weeks.  Matches are played to a maximum of 13 games for a win and the time limit is 90 minutes.  A tie-breaker is played at 12 – 12 to determine winner (time permitting).  If you play more than 3 matches, your lowest score will not be counted.  An average per session score is then calculated and the top player in a GROUP moves up 2 groups, the second highest up one group, the lowest score moves down 2 groups, the second lowest down one group. The middle score(s) stay in the same group.  Convener creates schedule and tallies scores.

Challenge Ladder

Enjoy playing competitive singles on the Challenge ladder. Open to Men and Women.

Tennis Program Inquiries: